An Armenian for Arameans
So theyve added Latin. Thats Latin, Klingon, and Esperanto....but I digress. Anyway, after update so-and-so, the slideshow under the practice function crashes almost incessantly: super annoying. Thats a major loss of functionality.
I have been using Utalk now for more than 5 years, and I can tell you that it is certainly one of the best apps available for basic language accommodation, and it is being constantly improved.
In the midst of all of the obscure language offerings (e.g. Esperanto - an invented language), they have miserably failed to see their opportunity to provide support for endangered languages - more specifically, the most currently endangered language... Aramaic.
Aramaic (Western/Suryoyo, Eastern/Assyrian, and Classical Aramaic) is in danger of disappearing from the face of the earth. Whole communities are being slaughtered in the middle east, and whereas the implications and repercussions thereof are much greater than that of just a language, the annihilation of those communities means the elimination of the center of language knowledge for the worldwide diaspora of Arameans.
My language, Western Armenian*, was in danger of annihilation more than a century ago in the Great Christian Genocide, of which the Armenian Genocide was a part -- 1.5+million Armenians, 300-500 thousand Arameans, and tens of thousands of Greek and many other Christian ethnic groups in the Middle East were slaughtered. Thanks be to Almighty God and His Church that brave men and women were preserved and kept their languages to this day.
The Hebrew language would be extinct had not the Lord returned his people to Zion and given them a hero to revive their language.
Now, Utalk has the opportunity to be one of those new heroes for the Aramean community worldwide.
If any of the Utalk developers are reading this, feel free to contact me or a Maronite, Eastern Aramean, or Aramaen Pentecostal Church, and I am sure you will find all the help you need to make this a reality -- and some great people too!!!
Lets defeat at least one of ISIS goals and preserve the language of this ancient people!!!!
This is your opportunity Utalk, take it!!!!!!!
yAnun Yisusi Qristosi
Hisusi Anunov
Hisusi Anvampn
Bshem Yeshua HaMashiach
Bshmi Yshua Mshikha
Bsm(i) Yesuah(a) AlMesiah(i)
En el Nombre de JesuCristo
In the Name of Jesus the Messiah
<*Utalks Armenian offering is actually Modern Eastern Armenian - the dialect of appx. 18-19th century Ararat, influenced by Modern Yerevanian Dialect. This is the language spoken in what is left of Armenia proper, after the genocide. Western Armenian was dispersed after the genocide and thus is the predominant language of the diaspora>
Jshmarid about
Go Talk - Learn languages, v2.5.2